Saturday, January 5, 2013

Conscious Contact

Step 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

I don't necessarily think of God as a "him," but that particular wording issue aside, this is one of my favorite steps. I believe very strongly, and have for several years before joining Overeaters Anonymous, that there is always guidance available to us from "spirit," our "higher selves," from "God" or "the Universe" or "source" or whatever word you might want to use. We can all connect to this and be in-tune with God's energy, or "will" for us. 

I have a bit of a cold, and kept coughing last night and wasn't able to sleep, so I decided to do a Reiki healing on myself. Reiki is a form of energy healing, wherein through meditation you tap into healing energy from God. In Reiki you work with your energy centers, or chakras. I learned somewhere along the way also that it helps to ask for healing assistance from Arch angels or other beings.

Last night as I was doing healing, I decided to call upon what I know as the 4 Archangels: Michael, Rahael, Gabriel, and Uriel. For some reason as I was saying their names, instead of Uriel I said "Azrael." And then immediately I said, "No, no, not Azrael, unless indeed he is here to help me," because though I didn't really know anything about who Azrael was, I had a sudden half-memory that maybe he was a "bad angel" or even a demon.

The next day, on my facebook feed Doreen Virtue posted an Angel Card reading for the week, which I'm posting below:

I find it very interesting this synchronicity that Azrael comes up TWICE in this reading! I do not always look at her weekly readings. I think I've only viewed one of hers once before. So what an affirmation that the day after the name Azrael comes to me unexpectedly, I see this reading and he happens to be pulled *twice* in the same reading.

Not only that, but her interpretation of the reading all relates to detox, getting a sponsor, and she even specifically mentions 12-Step programs. Cool, eh? I think this is definitely an affirmation from spirit that I am going through a transition that is very good for me and that I have heavenly support for my transition out of using food to numb myself.

Here is another great website that explains Azrael and his role not just as an angel of death, but more importantly as an angel of transformations: Archeon Azrael

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