The Twelve-Step Workbook of Overeaters Anonymous asks, in reference to Step One,
"When and how has my life become unmanageable?"
The following are ways in which my life is and has been unmanageable:
--I have had great difficulty taking on the responsibilities of an adult life. I have often been just scraping by financially. Even though I have now come to a point where I am able to trust that my finances will be taken care of, I find it difficult to do certain things such as keep insurance on my car, pay back student loans, achieve a salaried career. I know that my insecurity about my weight has held me back especially in terms of career. But underlying it is a greater fear, I think. A fear of not being wanted, of having to co-exist with people long-term who work with me, and that either I won't like them or they won't like me or some combination. That I'll fail.
--I have great difficulty keeping my home and car cleaned and maintained.
--I sleep too much.
--I do not embrace life fully.
--Since I am single and have no children, I have plenty of extra time that I could be using towards general maintenance of myself, my home, my finances, but I cannot seem to manage these things adequately.
--Because I have lost two jobs before, I always have a fear that I will fail and lose my current jobs (I have two part-time jobs right now, one which I've been doing for almost 3 years, which is by fear the longest job I've ever held, and one which I've had almost one year).
--At times my fitness level has been so bad (due to food addiction and not moving my body enough) that I have had great difficulty walking even a couple of blocks at a time.
--This is getting a lot better, especially since beginning OA, but I have had great difficulty in friendships in the past few years especially.
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